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new orders

2019, 22nd November

Danieli to modernize the Algoma Steel Plate Mill in Ontario

Complete upgrade of the 166-in. wide plate mill

Danieli, along with Danieli Automation and Danieli Taranis, are the supplier team chosen for a complete upgrade of the 166-in. wide plate mill of Algoma Steel in Sault Ste. Maire (ON), Canada.

The project will allow Algoma to expand its product portfolio to include wider plate products, to better control shape and surface quality and to improve logistics – making it possible to offer enhanced ship on time performance.

The plant will be completely re-automated by Danieli Automationfrom Level 0 through to Level 2 systems. Along with new process equipment and new digital drives, this will allow Algoma to perform normalized - or controlled - rolling, so that it can supply new grades of plate to the shipbuilding, energy and bridge building sectors. Additionally, Danieli Taranis will provide engineering and post-commissioning support.

Danieli’s scope of work will include an overhaul of the complete plant automation system -from the reheat process to finished goods- and the installation of a new primary de-scaler, a new hot-leveler and a new cooling bed.

A new dividing shear, piling system, 'top-to-bottom" automated inspection system and plate marking machine will upgrade the finishing area.

Work began in October 2019 and will be concluded in the summer of 2021. All work is scheduled to be carried out in stages during routine downtime, ensuring no impact to operations or shipments.  

For more info: