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new orders
2023, 29th September
voestalpine Stahl Donawitz selects Danieli Digimelters for its BF technology transition
Competitive, ultra-high quality green steel production, reducing carbon emissions
voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH awarded Danieli the order for the supply of two, new Danieli Digimelters for the special steel production facility in Leoben, Austria.
Two Danieli Digimelters powered by Q-One power feeders will replace blast furnace #4, producing up to 107 tph of ultra-high quality green steel for a combined initial capacity of up to 1 Mtpy.
Q-One is the Danieli-patented power feeder which makes possible the fast, dynamic electronic control of the arc, with negligible impact on the power grid. It also establishes a unique process control capability that in addition to defining a variable working point allows for frequency modulation with benefits in arc stability and consequently power and electrode consumption reduction.
Hybrid by design, Q-One permits the direct use of renewable energy sources generated at production sites.
Initially supplied with a 4-module configuration providing 67 MVA per Digimelter, the only addition of two extra modules will allow voestalpine Stahl Donawitz GmbH in a next step to increase the electric steelmaking capability up to 1.7 Mtpy, satisfying the full liquid steel requirement.
The management of the melting process will be performed by Danieli Q-Melt, a fully dynamic, adaptive process control of working parameters for both electrical and chemical profiles. It allows the reduction of process variability with notable benefits in terms of furnace utilization factor and efficiency.
Danieli fume-treatment plant and heat-recovery system will allow further direct/indirect emissions reduction.
The startup of the new EAF-plant is planned for the beginning of 2027.
- Paolo Burin
- +39 346 0458605