Robot applications created to help the operator to work better and safer in Rolling mill area

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Q-ROBOT is the result of the most advanced alliance between industrial robotics and process automation. A set of solutions for each production area allow the introduction of flexible automation in dangerous places where human intervention is still necessary to finalize the production.

An anthropomorphic robot enables the men's work to be relocated to healthier environments, deals with repetitive and labor intensive tasks which are closely related to poor process quality. However, full adjustments of all parameters is available to the operators. All Q-ROBOT systems are specifically designed for use in harsh environments with severe pollution.

DESTRAP - Automatic coils de-strapping machine
This robotic cell is design to automatically remove straps from steel coils, profile or tube bundles, to significantly increase the safety and improve the labour conditions, making not necessary the manual intervention for destrapping operation. The machine automatically detect the number and the position of straps and safely cut it. The strap is then winded up to produce a small scrap pack, that can safely thrown away.

DEBURR - Automatic in-line deburring and chamfering of bars
A stand-alone robotic cell proposed with different designs that can operate ranging from a billet chamfering to heavy blooms deburring, and from cold saw- generated burr to heavy cutting torch effect. The cell is equipped with an artificial vision package that allows the robot to identify and to follow edges also if in unknown position.

BUNDLE TAG - Robotic cell for labelling bundled rods
Q-Robot ROLL BUNDLE TAG system is composed of a label printing station where a preassembled label is picked- up by a robot and welded on the bundle. An artificial vision system is used to identify the best bar for label application.

COIL TAG – Robotic cell for wire rods labelling
Q-Robot ROLL COIL TAG system is composed of a label creating station where a preassembled label with a clip holding system is picked -up by a robot and fixed on the coil strap. The coil can be labeled internally or externally. An artificial vision system identifies the best point for label placing.

MARK – Robotic cell for paint-jet marking of flat products Q-Robot ROLL MARK is the most flexible solution for complete product traceability. The system is compose of a marking head moved by an industrial robot. An OCR or DMR can also be adopted to check the mark readability.

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