Hot Strip Mills

Modern rolling mills that ensure product quality and mill productivity

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The Hot Strip Mill represents the most productive solution for flat rolled products. It provides the highest level of productivity together with a large product mix and outstanding quality.
Yearly productivity of Hot Strip Mills can vary from 2 to 6 Mtpy, depending on the configuration that is selected.

The range of products that can be produced in modern Hot Strip Mills covers steel grades from structural carbon to HSLA, Stainless, Silicon and High-Strength Pipe Steels, including API grades. When a conventional route is preferred, Danieli Wean United is able to offer Hot Strip Mill configurations that are able to match and satisfy any customer requirements relating to market demands.
Regardless of the configuration - semi-continuous or continuous - and particular technical solutions, such as heat retention covers or coilbox units - Danieli Wean United proposes a “tailor-made” layout, including all the state-of-the-art technology packages that ensure improved product quality. At the same time, considerable attention is paid to implementing solutions that save on operating and maintenance costs, thereby additionally increasing the customer’s competitiveness.
All this means that our Hot Strip Mills are designed to fulfil not only today’s market demands but also to meet new challenges, in terms of strip quality, product versatility, cost-effectiveness and production performances.

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