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2024, 26th April

Libyan Iron and Steel Company signs a MOU with Danieli

New Energiron DRI plant for the production of 2 Mpty of DRI and HBI in Libya

Competitive site conditions –availability and competitive cost of gas in Libya– have encouraged state-owned Libyan Iron and Steel Company (LISCO) to invest in a new DRI plant to competitively produce direct reduced Iron. On April 15, LISCO and Danieli signed a memorandum of understanding entailing the construction of a direct reduction plant to produce 2 Mtpy of DRI and hot-briquetted iron (HBI) to be used by LISCO and sold to Italian steelmakers thanks to an off-take agreement.

Hybrid-ready by design, Energiron zero-reformer plants allow the maximum production flexibility in terms of reduction agent to be used in the process, such as natural gas, coke oven gas and/or hydrogen.

DRI pellets delivered by Energiron plants allow up to 96% metallization and variable carbon-content ranging from 0.5% with extensive use of hydrogen, and up 4.5% using 100% natural gas.

Standard Energiron plants have carbon-capture units, taking CO2 from the process and making it available for other applications, further reducing the overall plant carbon emissions and providing an additional revenue stream for the plant operations. Such arrangement makes it possible to produce green steel before having the availability of hydrogen.

Energiron plants are available with Hytemp® pneumatic transport systems feeding electric arc furnaces with hot DRI up to 600 °C, ensuring an extremely energy-efficient total process for production of liquid steel starting from pellets.

Energiron is the DRI technology jointly developed by Tenova and Danieli.

For more info:
  • Marco Lapasin
  • +393801283309