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service news
2023, 18th December
Danieli Service new chock-changing device for blooming mill
Tailor-made solutions for improved safety operations and lower OpEx
The revamping team from Danieli Service designed and supplied a new chock-changing device for blooming mill 800 of Acciaierie Bertoli Safau -ABS, which was installed in its roll shop in Cargnacco, Italy.
The target of the project was to satisfy the ABS requests in terms of improved maintenance safety operations, and reduced damages to the rolls, chocks and bearings. Cranes are no longer needed for chock-roll changes once the rolls are put on the new changing device. Furthermore, the investment allowed for faster mounting and dismounting operations, reducing maintenance costs.
The scope of supply included the mechanical, hydraulic and electrical equipment, installation advisory services, and personnel certification training.
This new device makes the assembly and disassembly of work roll arrangement safer, faster and more precise. All machine movements are hydraulically actuated by manual levers mounted on a dedicated valve bench located in front of the machine.
Thanks to sliding plates and covers the personnel can walk all around the rig and carry out the maintenance operations safely.
Danieli Service team is available to improve production and in-line and off-line maintenance operations, with the capability to also handle small projects, through a wide network of service centers, worldwide.
- Paolo Moschioni
- +39 3450175900